Swami Mohandas Ji

Who to listen to?
When I was a little kid, I didn’t play with dolls or house like other girls. By choice and primarily by circumstance, I was a loner. I spent hours playing teacher-student games by myself. I was the teacher explaining a concept to myself, the student. The student wouldn’t get it

Guru’s grace lifted off the intense sadness of my heart
I call my Guru Ji as Maharaj Ji. It’s just more endearing for me. However, most devotees call him Baba Ji. It was sometime around 2002-2004. I suddenly got a phone call from Maharaj Ji saying that he was in Canada and asked me to visit Toronto for the three-day weekend. It

Trust in God: A message received during Colorado Ski Vacation.
In my last post, “The Penny Private Messenger,” how I have been finding Pennies at the most unexpected and unbelievable places. I also mentioned I’d write about another most recent incident on Dec 28, 2016. It serves as a continuing reminder for us to trust the process of life, to trust in

I see penny as a direct message from God.
It’s common for people in the USA to say it’s lucky to find a penny (one cent). So I got in the habit of picking up the penny wherever I found it and pocketing it. Penny is a commonly used coin in the USA and is easily found in many

Be IN the world but not OF this world!
“They break you to remake you” is what I heard about Military Boot Camp! So here you are- you’ve passed all the Entrance exams, you’ve learned some preliminary rules and regulations, and then they ship you off to the Military Training Base. There the real grueling begins. The training exercises you

Zero time lapse between falling Unconscious and being revived
Guru doesn’t have to be physically present all the time with the seekers to be present with them! I could have died back in the mid-1980s hadn’t it been for one of the most miraculous and incredulous rescue events I experienced. I lived in the USA and my Guru Ji, Swami

Miracle: A Job offer coming through zero time lapse
It wasn’t like it had happened for the first time. But the situation was vastly different this time. My husband had been laid off from his job before, too. In the industry he was working in in the early 1990s in Texas, the USA, rapid corporate mergers were happening, and