About me
Spiritual Perspective for all those seeking healing and transformation
Let’s start with my name since it puzzles many:
- Ritu is a Sanskrit word. It means the Tao, Divine Order. Most commonly used meaning is Season.
- I was raised in India for twenty years before moving to USA.
- I feel extremely fortunate to have lived in two of the World’s largest democracies and enjoying best blending of East and West.
The reasons I enjoy doing the work I do:
- I am able to help someone gain clarity of purpose,renew their faith in Divine,inspire them to take actions in the direction of their dreams andbe healed and transformed at all levels: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional or Physical.
- I get a real thrill whenpeople tell me that I have helped them feel alive,become passionate about life,when they understand a Spiritual concept that eluded them earlier,they feel calmer,they have renewed hope,and feel relieved of their anxiety.

Some of the work I have done in yesteryears.
It is my utmost satisfaction
- for people to know about Enlightened Masters (specifically my Guru-Swami Mohandas Ji Maharaj),
- to learn from their teachings and
- find their own Divine Truth.
Guided by my Guru, Swami Mohan Das Ji Maharaj, I have had profound experiences revealing the spiritual principles of “I AM That” and God is Love.
I provide online healing sessions using the self-directed compassion technique to aid in clearing limiting karmic patterns.
My messages have gained recognition through multiple platforms, such as IANDS, the book “We Touched Heaven,” Fox 5 Television, podcasts, and my YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/spiritualroute).
How did I enter the field of helping people heal and transform their lives?
- I had deeply profound Spiritual Experiences that awakened me to our ultimate and true purpose of life.
- After having had listened to numerous people throughout my life I realized how much pain everyone was carrying inside. I saw that pain turn into physical ailments. I wanted to help alleviate this suffering.
- I realized I am an Empath and a natural Energy Healer. As much as I am extremely grateful for Allopathic medicine, it does not offer a cure. I believed in Alternative holistic methods of cure.
- I had the need to navigate through my own life’s challenges and I knew in helping others I am helping myself too.

What are the strongest convictions that I hold?
- Aham Brahmasmi. Each one is Expression of the Divine. Our divine self is experiencing itself through the limited version of a human life. In essence, we are spiritual beings having human experience.
- Each one’s potential and ultimate purpose is to become our Divine Selves consciously while being in the bodily Form.
- Until Enlightenment/Salvation/Moksha happens Individuated, soul keeps reincarnating.
- Moksha (Nirvana, Salvation), Self-Realization is not possible without the Grace of a living Perfect Master
- Consciously and Unconsciously everyone is seeking to fill the inner emptiness that can only be fulfilled by transcending human Mind
- You are more powerful than you think. Mind affects the physiology. Body has innate healing capacity. You can transform your mindset and limiting belief to heal.
- Each one has come with your unique Karmic blueprint. It is our responsibility to ourselves to discover and build a life according to our Vision.
- Life is not happening to you but through you. Do the best you can with where you are, with what you know and next steps will reveal themselves to you. Life is an adventure; trials and errors are part of the journey.