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Be IN the world but not OF this world!
“They break you to remake you” is what I heard about Military Boot Camp! So here you are- you’ve passed all the Entrance exams, you’ve learned some preliminary rules and regulations, and then they ship you off to the Military Training Base. There the real grueling begins. The training exercises you

Karma is Free Will
One of the major causes of our suffering is not accepting whatever life situation is given to us if the life situation conflicts with our idea of how our life should be. We say, “How could God do this to me,” or “God is a cruel God” or “I deserve

Zero time lapse between falling Unconscious and being revived
Guru doesn’t have to be physically present all the time with the seekers to be present with them! I could have died back in the mid-1980s hadn’t it been for one of the most miraculous and incredulous rescue events I experienced. I lived in the USA and my Guru Ji, Swami

Miracle: A Job offer coming through zero time lapse
It wasn’t like it had happened for the first time. But the situation was vastly different this time. My husband had been laid off from his job before, too. In the industry he was working in in the early 1990s in Texas, the USA, rapid corporate mergers were happening, and

Being Happy!
Most of us are taught one of the significant life lessons backward! When you Have something (some material object)Then you can Do something (for some material achievement)Then you will BE HAPPY. This approach to life makes Being happy conditional on Having and then Doing something. It is drilled into modern

My Guru-Swami Mohandas Ji Maharaj
At my parents’ house in Punjab, India, I had my first brief Darshan of my Guru-Swami Mohandas Ji three decades ago. I didn’t understand much about the importance of a Guru or who a Guru is. To me, he was a saintly being to be respected, just as any other saints.

The Cosmic Play
All the world’s a stage,And all the men and women merely players;They have their exits and their entrances,And one man in his time plays many parts(William Shakespeare) Very interesting that a Playwright’s words echo the same “Geeta” message given by Lord Krishna in a different era and geographical area! Lord

There is no one like you!
All humans are hardwired for it. Whether we search consciously or unconsciously, we are all striving for Love, Joy, Fulfillment in our every thought and action. We all have this same goal, but our paths are different. Not only that, but within that, our approach is unique, unique to each of us!