Am I aware of my intention?

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    Am I aware of my intention?

    More than the action itself, it is the intent behind it that matters. Is it out of fear, greed, hate, jealousy, compassion, love, or some such motive? Investigate it and use introspection to get to the bottom of where the action or thought is originating.

    All of Nature –like Plants, Animals, Birds, Fish exists instinctively but, human beings are the only creatures on this planet with the ability to think and the freedom to make choices.  This automatically gives rise to ‘motives’ and ‘intention.’

    Even if it is a so-called ‘right action’ but executed with a negative intention, it will bear negative results for the doer sooner or later. And similarly, even if it is an unintentional  ‘wrong action’ but done with a positive intention, it will manifold positive results.

    Quantum Physics has proven that all seen and unseen creation is energy; everything has a different vibrational energy frequency.

    We can all, to a certain degree, feel this energy. Don’t we?

    How often did you enter a room and feel that the ‘energy’ didn’t feel pleasant? ‘I don’t like it here, ‘something doesn’t feel right, ‘this place gives me the creeps, ‘I feel uneasy here’….or you may feel the opposite. You say, ‘Ah, it feels so wonderful here, I don’t want to leave here, I feel so peaceful here, I feel I’m embraced by love here, there is something electric in the air, I feel happy here’….

    It has been scientifically proven that we all leave our energy traces in the places we visit. Some areas with a very high concentration of focused energy fields are commonly referred to as ‘Energy Pockets’ or ‘Energy Vortexes.’  Places, where Masters and Saints do years of penances or austerities become spots of such Energy Vortexes for ages!! There are so many Energy Vortex places all over the world!  We are instinctively drawn to visit and stay at such sites.

    It is this energy of intention that permeates the ether.

    Even if it is the best, most expensive food but cooked and served with hatred, it will just not be as tasty or delightful as a most simple, inexpensive food cooked and served with love and devotion. Right? I have seen how people rave about the simplest food prepared with love and devotion for religious occasions and churches or Temple, or other holy places. 

    What you sow is what you shall reap is the Spiritual Law applicable here.  It is not just the seed, but your ‘intention’ behind it is also what you are sowing.

    So many scientific experiments with plants have been done to show how even plants bloom so beautifully when given tender loving care and how they die or grow diseased when neglected or abused.  Similar experiments have been conducted on water too.  When the water was frozen while being given loving sounds and words, the water crystals had attractive harmonious shapes but frozen with hateful words or sounds; the frozen crystals had unattractive distorted shapes.

    Just like our naked eyes don’t see the shape of the frozen water crystals but a highly sensitive instrument like a microscope can, similarly our Enlightened Masters are fully attuned to and can see through our Energy centers. We can not ‘fake it’ or ‘lie’ to the Master. He may choose to ignore our ‘lie’ or ‘fake pretending’ for his own sake or the more significant benefit of the whole, but he sees it all!  He sees our INTENTION behind our every thought, word, and action.  He also sees the ‘unattractive distortions’  we have created or ‘the purity and harmony’ within us.

    The spiritual guidance, the techniques, the methods, the paths, the austerities or penances suggested to us by the Master are to convert these ‘distortions’ within us to pure harmony.  Therein lies the importance of all these myriads of techniques and methods.

    Have you stood before a dirty or distorted or shaky mirror?  How well can you see your image in it? Either not at all or distorted or maybe just bits and pieces here and there.

    And what about when you stand before a clean, steady, well-made mirror?  It reflects your image with complete clarity!

    Similarly, our distorted intentions mess up the mirror of our soul, and we can’t see the image of our beautiful soul reflected in us. The more we begin clearing up the intentions, the cleaner, still, and steady the mirror becomes to reflect our inner beauty. Please see my earlier posts (Be Still like that Deep Blue Ocean) and  (Spirit-self observing the human-self Witness Consciousness (Saakshi Bhaav)).

    The more our soul reflection becomes apparent, the more it directly impacts our thoughts, words, and actions.  It affects our whole perception of the world around us!!!

    What a holy and sacred cycle it creates!!  And everything in between is just the Cosmic Play

    Blessed Be.


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