I AM.- No-Body and so Are You.

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    I AM.- No-Body and so Are You.

    Who Am I? Who is everyone? Why are we here?

    Masters says these are the most important questions to ask. These are the questions that lead to Ultimate Truth.

    As a seeker, they say, it’s not enough to ask these questions but to have enough passion, yearning, and longing to seek and know the answers.

    Even as a child, I had an inner knowledge of reincarnation and being in this birth and death cycle.

    I also knew that we have to learn to use our lifetime, energy, and power wisely. Whatever changes I need to make if we don’t make them in this lifetime, they get carried over to the next lifetime. There is no automatic OUT of it. It doesn’t just go away with the life-ending.  It is a cumulative balance that gets carried forward to the next lifetime. You have to put in the effort to face all challenges and keep applying and learning Wisdom to be in the Light.

    No one told me these things -I didn’t hear of them or read about them. We had no internet or TV channels like we do now and no smartphones. I didn’t discuss these topics with anyone. Also, I was an extremely quiet child.

    I thought there had to be more to life than the trivialities of daily life: getting up, getting ready, going to school or office, eating, sleeping, partying, going to movies, chit-chatting, and meeting people. I wondered all the time such as:

    1. What is the purpose of all this? This kind of life cannot be an end in itself.
    2. From where did all the people come? From where did trees and plants come?
    3. Why is my older sibling my older sibling? Why is my younger sibling my younger sibling? Why am I not the oldest or the youngest? Who decides it had to be that exact order?
    4. Why am I living here and not anywhere else? Why is someone else living where they are living?

    I believed there had to be a higher unseen order of things. It couldn’t be all an accident and random.

    Questions like these drove my life: perhaps this constant quest to know and inquire brought me, my Guru, many insights and answers.  My Guru Ji, however, gave me no ready-made answers or explanations. The only question he answered was about heaven and hell.

    “Is there actual physical heaven and hell”? I asked my Guru Ji the first time I met him in his Jalandhar Ashram.

    “No, there isn’t. Heaven and hell are only your State of Mind”, he told me.

    Since then, I’ve been seeking to make State of Mind Heavenly and found some satisfactory answers through experimenting, trials, errors, and experiences.

    I thought there had to be more to life than the trivialities of daily life: getting up, getting ready, going to school or office, eating, sleeping, partying, going to movies, chit-chatting, and meeting people. I wondered all the time such as:

    I found that when our Consciousness gets too identified with our mind and body and the external world, it leads to suffering and feelings of life being hellish. We need to practice disentangling ourselves from this identity that is going to perish one day anyways.

    Whatever is going to perish and is temporary can’t be the Ultimate Truth.

    I’ll try to explain with a simple analogy:

    • If you are reading this blog, you most likely have an Email address too. Right?
    • Your Email address is unique to you. It belongs to you.
    • You manage your emails, sort them, delete them, read them, customize them, receive them, send them and organize them. Some emails go into the Spam folder.
    • You have a password to help protect your Email account from someone else logging into it and misusing it.
    • Your Email address represents you.
    • Your Email is a method of communicating with you.
    • Your Email address reminds the other person of you.

    But, your Email address is NOT you. You are NOT your Email address.

    Similarly, your body-mind is unique to you.

    • Your body-mind belongs to you.
    • You manage your body-mind: your thoughts, your emotions, your health.
    • Your body is equipped with a mind to help protect you and serve you.
    • Your body-mind represents you.
    • Your body-mind is a method to communicate with you.
    • Your body-mind reminds the other person of you.

    But, your body-mind is NOT you. You are NOT your body-mind.

    We have to practice this constant remembrance. It is Witness Consciousness.  ‘I am NOT my body; I am Not my mind.’  This detachment from Body Mind identity is the first taste of true Freedom.

    Pick one method or multiple ones to help you practice this. Learning to quieten the mind and constantly remember your Divine Self is mainly what Meditation is – eyes closed or eyes open. Different methods appeal to different people.

    You can have multiple unique Email addresses to serve different purposes. Similarly, you, the Divine Formless Being, have unique body-minds to experience itself manifest in different lifetimes.

    True Freedom is the feeling of I Am; therefore I Am.  I am No-Body.

    Freedom and Joy to all,




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