Users of psychedelic drugs caution not to take the drugs if they are emotionally messed up or stressed out. They say it leads to a ‘terrible drug trip,’ which means what you will end up experiencing will be horrible and scary. They advise you to put yourself first in a happy place emotionally to get the desired ecstatic drug experience.
I am not suggesting that anyone go about tripping on drugs, nor am I speaking from my personal experience of any such psychedelic drug. Still, I am trying to make an important point here and a helpful suggestion further in the blog.
When you ignore specific fundamental laws of the Universe, then with or without psychedelic drugs, you experience similar patterns in life leading to ‘bad trips’ with varying degrees of being horrible to scary. To have desired results, you have to be in a happy state, even to do drugs!
Let’s explore one of the easily forgotten fundamentals of life –
BE, DO, HAVE (in that exact sequence).
- First you have to be happy,
- Then do an action from the state of happiness
- And then you will have what you desire
(I want to clarify that being happy doesn’t mean tripped out bubbling jumping happily after a movie, a party, drinking or shopping spree or something equally transitory and superficial but a pleasantly stable emotional state, a state that is not negative)
If you look around, it doesn’t seem like this sequence of fundamental law is being followed. In fact, the trend seems to be to exercise just the opposite- i.e.:
- Once you have what you desire
- Then you’ll be able to do what you want to do
- And then you’ll be happy.
This basic flawed practice is the basis of much suffering: unhappiness, depression, confusion, frustration, fear, anger, and all that robs you of a peaceful life journey.
You see, the Universe is in a perpetual state of Joy. Its very nature is Joy. Humans are the only species on earth that seem to choose to select happiness or emotional and mental suffering. No other species suffer as the human species does. The rest of nature doesn’t have that choice, so it is in a constant state of singing glory to God.
Humans have the choice to rise to their highest Divine potential or sink to the lowest of the underworld.
Universe says if you want to flow with me, then match my vibration; my vibration is joy. If you wish not to match my vibration, it is your free will but knows that you will be driving against the flow. It will be more challenging and tiring, but hey, if that challenge makes you happy, then go at it. You can turn around and go with the flow when you are ready. You are hard-wired to turn around someday sometime.
The situation seems to be that most people who continue to choose to go against the flow seem to lose their way back for lifetime after lifetime. They get so stuck in the suffering of push and pull of opposing currents that they even forget their natural state is joy.
The rule to notice is that actions done from a negative emotional state will bear negative results.
Children are born naturally joyful, proving that humans’ natural state is of Joy until they get conditioned by well-meaning adults to flow against the currents. At some point in this adventure, you have to stop and remember your true state of being. Either you can willingly choose to remember, or unending suffering will tire you enough that you’ll have to turn around.
Therefore, happiness is a Choice. Being happy is your responsibility. All actions done from a positive state will bear positive results for you.
I know how mind-boggling this is when you have thoroughly practiced a different way of living. For every five positive thoughts, there could be a hundred negative thoughts going on. Most of the time, we are not even conscious of this inner mind dynamic. When we are living unconsciously, it naturally leads to a negative emotional state.
Many people consciously or unconsciously feel the need to drown out this negative state with various self-defeating habits, including alcohol and psychedelic drugs. It becomes a vicious cycle.
Since it is so critical, can you come up with ways to float yourself over to a happy state so life can start flowing with the joyful vibration of the Universe?
Here is one of the easiest and fastest ways to move towards alignment. Give it a try. You will be happily surprised with the results:
Practice Gratitude.
Gratitude is the organic outcome of Joy. So consciously practicing gratitude throughout the day will lead you to a Joyful state.
Start a Daily Gratitude Journal with the following conditions:
- Commit to writing at least five to ten things you are grateful about in that day.
- Write in the morning and must write at least five at before going to bed.
- Make them all new ones without repeating them. Do not repeat J
- It doesn’t matter if they are about something very small or some big thing. Even if few seconds of a fragrance of the flower made you feel good you can write about it. It counts.
- You can think from your brain but feel it and write from your heart. What I mean is that you have to ‘feel’ what you are writing. (It is not a school homework J) In other words don’t complete it just to complete it with a cheat sheet or something.
I promise you’ll be amazed at the results of this practice alone.
- In a week, you’ll have a 35-70 list of unrepeated gratitude statements.
- In a month, you’ll have a 150-300 unrepeated gratitude list.
- In two months, you’ll have 300-600… get the point.
Anytime life seems to get you down, look at your list. It’ll be the fastest picker-upper of your mood.
- Actually by this time you’ll have practiced so much looking for things to be grateful about that you will automatically be in higher spirits.
- Even while writing your gratitude statements you’ll see an immediate shift in your emotions.
- You will naturally start perceiving the positive side of things, people and events in your life, even where you couldn’t see it before.
- Added wonderful habit will be that you’ll become conscious of your thought process more. Most people tend to be quite unconscious of their chattering monkey mind.
- You’ll start noticing you doing actions from more positive state and then having desired outcomes.
(I am so happy with the comment of one of the Guru sisters on my Facebook page in response to my blog post, God’s reminders are everywhere. She has attested to the beautiful results of the gratitude practice she’s been doing since I talked to her about it in 2011).
If you write down the gratitude statements, they become more powerful and go deeper to awaken the positive emotions. In addition, whenever needed, you have super-handy documented reminders of all the things that bring joy to your life.
Remember first to Be Happy. Do what you have to do to put yourself in a feel-good state. But search for this feeling and find it in your inner core, not in the superficial trivialities. When you are feeling good, you are aligning yourself with the Divine. Then you automatically attract to you all that which serves to increase your happiness.
Happy Gratitude Journaling,
3 Responses
“I have been to lots of Massage Therapists but I have never come across someone who works on full body like you do…head to foot…using Reiki and Reflexology along with Swedish Massage Techniques. You are awesome”————Jeannine P, Dallas, Texas, USA
“We’ve heard these same things so many times but it is different when you say it. It is as if it touches the soul.”——-Saroj G, Delhi, India
“”You are such a blessing!!! Thank you so much for helping me grow!!!!”——- Lisa C, Dallas, Texas , USA