There is no one like you!

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    There is no one like you!

    All humans are hardwired for it. Whether we search consciously or unconsciously, we are all striving for Love, Joy, Fulfillment in our every thought and action. We all have this same goal, but our paths are different.  Not only that, but within that, our approach is unique, unique to each of us!

    I was amazed to find that each of the snowflakes is unique too. Imagine how many snowflakes fall in one day in one area alone, and no one of them is identical to the other. When each of the infinite snowflakes can be unique in structure and have unique DNA and fingerprints, it is easy to imagine how humans can uniquely approach, express, and experience the Divine!

    Let us respect that infinite variety of creative expression in Form and Formlessness, the Tangible and Intangible.

    The structure and botanical properties of a flower can be defined and intellectually understood. Still, the fragrance of that flower can not be captured in words, although some attempts can be made to allude to it only in comparison to other items. We can not intellectually or logically understand the fragrance, mainly if we have never smelt a similar smell; we can only know it through personal experience. The emotions evoked by the sight, smell, and touch of the flower are absolutely unique to each person. (I have never forgotten William Wordsworth’s ‘The Daffodils’ I studied in school decades ago!)

    God is One in Many and Many in One. Everything is His expression, and everyone is expressing Him through their  Being. A complete combination of Paradoxes! He is whole of Science and Art joined in One; Individually, both are helpless in giving a ‘proof’ of that Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient God.

    We all are like temporary waves of the vast ocean wondering where the ocean is, many of us wanting proof of the existence of the ocean! (It always evokes a smile and surprise in me ;-)) We, the temporary waves, are not separate from the ocean! We are in it, and it is all around us! We are an expression of the Ocean; We carry all the properties of the Ocean; We rise and fall back into the ocean. When the wave falls back into the ocean, it is no longer a Wave; it becomes the ocean.

    The rise and fall of the waves are like the rise and fall of our bodily forms. It is like the Life and Death of our bodies.  We are forms that rise from the Whole and disappear back into the Whole.

    We are Body and Spirit in one package, the Form and the Formless meshed in. When we mistake our entire identity to be of the Form alone while negating, ignoring, and forgetting our Formless aspect,  it becomes the cause of our confusions and fears; It becomes opposite of who we genuinely Are- The Blissful Beings.

    We are Spiritual Beings here to experience Physical Life and not the other way around. We have forgotten our True Nature, our Truth!

    The whole journey is to Experience and Express the Divine and our Divine Selves (that part of the ocean that is our very True Nature). The difference and delay for each one in experiencing the True Self is the level of awareness, passion, and patience with which we pursue this goal. Therein lies our uniqueness!

    There never was, there never will be, there is no one like you!

    Blessed Be!


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